

The main control center of the system. Defines exchange rate between CELO and stCELO, has ability to mint and burn stCELO, is the main point of interaction for depositing and withdrawing CELO from the pool, and defines the system's voting strategy.



Initialize the contract with registry and owner. .

 function initialize(address _registry, address _owner) external initializer {


Set this contract's dependencies in the StakedCelo system. Manager, Account and StakedCelo all reference each other so we need a way of setting these after all contracts are deployed and initialized.

   function setDependencies(address _stakedCelo, address _account) external onlyOwner {
        stakedCelo = IStakedCelo(_stakedCelo);
        account = IAccount(_account);


Marks a group as votable.

function activateGroup(address group) external onlyOwner {
        if (activeGroups.contains(group)) {
            revert GroupAlreadyAdded(group);

        if (deprecatedGroups.contains(group)) {
            if (!deprecatedGroups.remove(group)) {
                revert FailedToRemoveDeprecatedGroup(group);

        if (
            activeGroups.length() + deprecatedGroups.length() >=
        ) {
            revert MaxGroupsVotedForReached();

        if (!activeGroups.add(group)) {
            revert FailedToAddActiveGroup(group);
        emit GroupActivated(group);


Returns the array of active groups.

function getGroups() external view returns (address[] memory) {
        return activeGroups.values();


Marks a group as deprecated. A deprecated group will remain in the `deprecatedGroups` array as long as it is still being voted for by the Account contract. Deprecated groups will be the first to have their votes withdrawn.

    function deprecateGroup(address group) external onlyOwner {
        if (!activeGroups.remove(group)) {
            revert GroupNotActive(group);

        emit GroupDeprecated(group);

        if (account.getCeloForGroup(group) > 0) {
            if (!deprecatedGroups.add(group)) {
                revert FailedToAddDeprecatedGroup(group);
        } else {
            emit GroupRemoved(group);


Returns the list of deprecated groups.

 function getDeprecatedGroups() external view returns (address[] memory) {
        return deprecatedGroups.values();


Used to deposit CELO into the StakedCelo system. The user will receive an amount of stCELO proportional to their contribution. The CELO will be scheduled to be voted for with the Account contract.

  function deposit() external payable {
        if (activeGroups.length() == 0) {
            revert NoActiveGroups();
        }, toStakedCelo(msg.value));



Used to withdraw CELO from the system, in exchange for burning stCELO.

 function withdraw(uint256 stakedCeloAmount) external {
        if (activeGroups.length() + deprecatedGroups.length() == 0) {
            revert NoGroups();

        distributeWithdrawals(toCelo(stakedCeloAmount), msg.sender);

        stakedCelo.burn(msg.sender, stakedCeloAmount);


Computes the amount of stCELO that should be minted for a given amount of CELO deposited.

  function toStakedCelo(uint256 celoAmount) public view returns (uint256) {
        uint256 stCeloSupply = stakedCelo.totalSupply();
        uint256 celoBalance = account.getTotalCelo();

        if (stCeloSupply == 0 || celoBalance == 0) {
            return celoAmount;

        return (celoAmount * stCeloSupply) / celoBalance;


Computes the amount of CELO that should be withdrawn for a given amount of stCELO burn.

   function toCelo(uint256 stCeloAmount) public view returns (uint256) {
        uint256 stCeloSupply = stakedCelo.totalSupply();
        uint256 celoBalance = account.getTotalCelo();

        if (stCeloSupply == 0 || celoBalance == 0) {
            return stCeloAmount;

        return (stCeloAmount * celoBalance) / stCeloSupply;


Distribute votes, such that groups are receiving the same amount of votes from the system. If a group already has more votes than the average of the total available votes it will not be voted for, and instead we'll try to evenly distribute between the remaining groups.

Election.sol sets a dynamic limit on the number of votes receivable by a group, based on the group's size, the total amount of Locked CELO, and the total number of electable validators. We don't want to schedule votes for a group when the amount would exceed this threshold. `getVotableGroups` below selects those groups that could receive the entire `votes` amount, and filters out the rest.

This is a heuristic

when distributing votes evenly, the group might receive less than`votes`, and the total amount could end up being under the limit. However, doing an exact computation would be both complex and cost a lot of additional gas, hence the heuristic. If indeed all groups are close to their voting limit, causing a larger deposit to revert with NoVotableGroups, despite there still being some room for deposits, this can be worked around by sending a few smaller deposits.

function distributeVotes(uint256 votes) internal {
         * "Votable" groups are those that will currently fit under the voting
         * limit in Election.sol even if voted for with the entire `votes`
         * amount. Note that some might still not end up getting voted for given
         * the distribution logic below.
        address[] memory votableGroups = getVotableGroups(votes);
        if (votableGroups.length == 0) {
            revert NoVotableGroups();

        GroupWithVotes[] memory sortedGroups;
        uint256 availableVotes;
        (sortedGroups, availableVotes) = getSortedGroupsWithVotes(votableGroups);
        availableVotes += votes;

        uint256[] memory votesPerGroup = new uint256[](votableGroups.length);
        uint256 groupsVoted = votableGroups.length;
        uint256 targetVotes = availableVotes / groupsVoted;

         * This would normally be (i = votableGroups.length - 1; i >=0; i--),
         * but we can't i-- on the last iteration when i=0, since i is an
         * unsigned integer. So we iterate with the loop variable 1 greater than
         * expected, set index = i-1, and use index inside the loop.
        for (uint256 i = votableGroups.length; i > 0; i--) {
            uint256 index = i - 1;
            if (sortedGroups[index].votes >= targetVotes) {
                availableVotes -= sortedGroups[index].votes;
                targetVotes = availableVotes / groupsVoted;
                votesPerGroup[index] = 0;
            } else {
                votesPerGroup[index] = targetVotes - sortedGroups[index].votes;

                if (availableVotes % groupsVoted > index) {

        address[] memory finalGroups = new address[](groupsVoted);
        uint256[] memory finalVotes = new uint256[](groupsVoted);

        for (uint256 i = 0; i < groupsVoted; i++) {
            finalGroups[i] = sortedGroups[i].group;
            finalVotes[i] = votesPerGroup[i];

        account.scheduleVotes{value: votes}(finalGroups, finalVotes);


Distributes withdrawals by computing the number of votes that should be withdrawn from each group, then calling out to `Account.scheduleVotes`.

The withdrawal distribution strategy is to:

  • Withdraw as much as possible from any deprecated groups.

  • If more votes still need to be withdrawn, try and have each validator group end up receiving the same amount of votes from the system. If a group already has less votes than the average of the total remaining votes, it will not be withdrawn from, and instead will try to evenly distribute between the remaining groups.

function distributeWithdrawals(uint256 withdrawal, address beneficiary) internal {
        if (withdrawal == 0) {
            revert ZeroWithdrawal();

        address[] memory deprecatedGroupsWithdrawn;
        uint256[] memory deprecatedWithdrawalsPerGroup;
        uint256 numberDeprecatedGroupsWithdrawn;

        ) = getDeprecatedGroupsWithdrawalDistribution(withdrawal);

        address[] memory groupsWithdrawn;
        uint256[] memory withdrawalsPerGroup;

        (groupsWithdrawn, withdrawalsPerGroup) = getActiveGroupWithdrawalDistribution(withdrawal);

        address[] memory finalGroups = new address[](
            groupsWithdrawn.length + numberDeprecatedGroupsWithdrawn
        uint256[] memory finalVotes = new uint256[](
            groupsWithdrawn.length + numberDeprecatedGroupsWithdrawn

        for (uint256 i = 0; i < numberDeprecatedGroupsWithdrawn; i++) {
            finalGroups[i] = deprecatedGroupsWithdrawn[i];
            finalVotes[i] = deprecatedWithdrawalsPerGroup[i];

        for (uint256 i = 0; i < groupsWithdrawn.length; i++) {
            finalGroups[i + numberDeprecatedGroupsWithdrawn] = groupsWithdrawn[i];
            finalVotes[i + numberDeprecatedGroupsWithdrawn] = withdrawalsPerGroup[i];

        account.scheduleWithdrawals(finalGroups, finalVotes, beneficiary);


Calculates how many votes should be withdrawn from each deprecated group.

function getDeprecatedGroupsWithdrawalDistribution(uint256 withdrawal)
        returns (
            address[] memory deprecatedGroupsWithdrawn,
            uint256[] memory deprecatedWithdrawalsPerGroup,
            uint256 numberDeprecatedGroupsWithdrawn,
            uint256 remainingWithdrawal
        remainingWithdrawal = withdrawal;
        uint256 numberDeprecatedGroups = deprecatedGroups.length();
        deprecatedGroupsWithdrawn = new address[](numberDeprecatedGroups);
        deprecatedWithdrawalsPerGroup = new uint256[](numberDeprecatedGroups);
        numberDeprecatedGroupsWithdrawn = 0;

        for (uint256 i = 0; i < numberDeprecatedGroups; i++) {
            deprecatedGroupsWithdrawn[i] =;
            uint256 currentVotes = account.getCeloForGroup(deprecatedGroupsWithdrawn[i]);
            deprecatedWithdrawalsPerGroup[i] = Math.min(remainingWithdrawal, currentVotes);
            remainingWithdrawal -= deprecatedWithdrawalsPerGroup[i];

            if (currentVotes == deprecatedWithdrawalsPerGroup[i]) {
                if (!deprecatedGroups.remove(deprecatedGroupsWithdrawn[i])) {
                    revert FailedToRemoveDeprecatedGroup(deprecatedGroupsWithdrawn[i]);
                emit GroupRemoved(deprecatedGroupsWithdrawn[i]);

            if (remainingWithdrawal == 0) {

        return (


Calculates how votes should be withdrawn from each active group.

function getActiveGroupWithdrawalDistribution(uint256 withdrawal)
        returns (address[] memory, uint256[] memory)
        if (withdrawal == 0) {
            address[] memory noGroups = new address[](0);
            uint256[] memory noWithdrawals = new uint256[](0);
            return (noGroups, noWithdrawals);

        uint256 numberGroups = activeGroups.length();
        GroupWithVotes[] memory sortedGroups;
        uint256 availableVotes;
        (sortedGroups, availableVotes) = getSortedGroupsWithVotes(activeGroups.values());
        availableVotes -= withdrawal;

        uint256 numberGroupsWithdrawn = numberGroups;
        uint256 targetVotes = availableVotes / numberGroupsWithdrawn;

        for (uint256 i = 0; i < numberGroups; i++) {
            if (sortedGroups[i].votes <= targetVotes) {
                availableVotes -= sortedGroups[i].votes;
                targetVotes = availableVotes / numberGroupsWithdrawn;
            } else {

        uint256[] memory withdrawalsPerGroup = new uint256[](numberGroupsWithdrawn);
        address[] memory groupsWithdrawn = new address[](numberGroupsWithdrawn);
        uint256 offset = numberGroups - numberGroupsWithdrawn;

        for (uint256 i = 0; i < numberGroupsWithdrawn; i++) {
            groupsWithdrawn[i] = sortedGroups[i + offset].group;
            withdrawalsPerGroup[i] = sortedGroups[i + offset].votes - targetVotes;
            if (availableVotes % numberGroupsWithdrawn > i) {

        return (groupsWithdrawn, withdrawalsPerGroup);


Returns a list of group addresses with their corresponding current total votes, sorted by the number of votes, and the total number of votes in the system.

function getSortedGroupsWithVotes(address[] memory groups)
        returns (GroupWithVotes[] memory, uint256)
        GroupWithVotes[] memory groupsWithVotes = new GroupWithVotes[](groups.length);
        uint256 totalVotes = 0;
        for (uint256 i = 0; i < groups.length; i++) {
            uint256 votes = account.getCeloForGroup(groups[i]);
            totalVotes += votes;
            groupsWithVotes[i] = GroupWithVotes(groups[i], votes);

        return (groupsWithVotes, totalVotes);


Returns the active groups that can receive the entire `votes` amount based on their current receivable votes limit in Election.sol.

function getVotableGroups(uint256 votes) internal returns (address[] memory) {
        uint256 numberGroups = activeGroups.length();
        uint256 numberVotableGroups = 0;
        address[] memory votableGroups = new address[](numberGroups);

        for (uint256 i = 0; i < numberGroups; i++) {
            address group =;
            uint256 scheduledVotes = account.scheduledVotes(group);
            if (getElection().canReceiveVotes(group, votes + scheduledVotes)) {
                votableGroups[numberVotableGroups] = group;

        address[] memory votableGroupsFinal = new address[](numberVotableGroups);
        for (uint256 i = 0; i < numberVotableGroups; i++) {
            votableGroupsFinal[i] = votableGroups[i];

        return votableGroupsFinal;


Sorts an array of GroupWithVotes structs based on increasing `votes` values.

function sortGroupsWithVotes(GroupWithVotes[] memory groupsWithVotes) internal pure {
        for (uint256 i = 1; i < groupsWithVotes.length; i++) {
            uint256 j = i;
            while (j > 0 && groupsWithVotes[j].votes < groupsWithVotes[j - 1].votes) {
                (groupsWithVotes[j], groupsWithVotes[j - 1]) = (
                    groupsWithVotes[j - 1],

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